4 Day work week at Alubend UK

4 Day work week at Alubend UK

Increasing in productivity through our 4 day work week   Alubend UK are joining the growing list of companies putting their employees wellbeing first and adopting the 4 day work week. This may seem like a radical idea, but companies have been gradually reducing...
Supplying Curved Railway Components

Supplying Curved Railway Components

Curved aluminium components for the railway industry are coming into ever higher demand. As vehicles look to become lighter and designers move away from hard corners formed aluminium components are becoming the norm. Our range of curved aluminium components for rail...
Management Certification

Management Certification

Management is a core part of any business. Good management leads to happy staff, smooth production and ultimately meeting deadlines. It is because of this that we chose to invest in two of our team to further their training and upgrade our managerial systems. We would...
BS EN 15085 – New Certification for Alubend UK

BS EN 15085 – New Certification for Alubend UK

Alubend UK are BS EN 15085 Certified We are delighted to announce that Alubend UK have recently been awarded certification by our certification body LRQA to EN 15085 (Class 2 & Class 3 Type P) – further details can be found on www.en15085.net     In...