Window Profile Bending

Window Extrusion Bending

Arched, curved and porthole windows are some of the most common requests we get. They vary in size, scale and complexity depending on the profile used.

We have worked with a number of well know window profile systems including ALUK, Smart, Reynaers, Comar, SAS and more


A number of window fabricators have come to us from across the UK for our window bending service. We have done 1 off orders and runs of over 100, each time offering unbeatable quotes and lead times.


We constantly get new orders for window section bending. We have a number of machines in our facility dedicated to running only our window bending service.


At Alubend we treat each project with the same level of care and attention to detail, no matter the customer or scale.

Many window manufacturers have approached us with small scale window profile bending jobs, sometimes with only 2 or three windows to be completed. These manufacturers are often turned away by bending companies.


At Alubend, we see the benefits of completing small run production and helping smaller manufacturers create fantastic products. We supply the same level of accuracy and customer service to every client from start to finish.

Some of our smaller projects have turned into fantastic working relationships and we are eager to foster trust between manufacturers and suppliers of all scales.


We have a wide range of window profile tooling in stock from some of the leading profile manufacturers. So even small run productions can usually be completed with little to no tooling cost associated. Our stocked tooling includes many profiles for ALUK, Comar, Smart, SAS and more. We are also able to produce custom tooling as and when needed with our in-house tooling lab.


Types of Arched Windows


We have curved a number of common arched window styles and have worked with customers to create truly bespoke arches as well.

Some of the most common arch styles are:




Curved aluminium window frame with thermal break 1 Curved aluminium window frame with thermal break

Semi-Circular Arched windows for Love is Blinds
