
If you are looking for a range of Information on Aluminium Bending then you’ve come to the right place.

On this page to will find a wide variety of useful documents including our Terms of Service, Current certifications, Current Capacities & Tolerances, as well as other documents and white papers we feel would be useful for our customers.

Company Information

Please read through our company information carefully, including our Quality Policy and Terms and Conditions. These documents are key to ensuring your project runs smoothly.

Quality Policy

Terms and Conditions

Standard Bending Tolerances

Covid-19 Infographic

Aluminium Bending Certifications

Current certification carried by Alubend. If your project requires any additional certification, let us know. There may be more that are simply not listed, or certifications we are currently working towards that will line up what what your project requires.

Link to Alubend's membership certificate for the Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB), confirming Alubend’s official membership in the leading UK aluminium construction trade association

Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB)

EN 15085-2 Certificate


Educational – Aluminium Extrusion Bending WhitePaper

Aluminium Extrusion alloys and Properties

Aluminium and Durability

Check out our Youtube channel to see our latest bending videos 

If you have any further questions or would like additional information on bending aluminium or certification documents please contact us and we will supply these as required.

Contact Us

Looking for more information? Get in touch today and we would be happy to answer any questions regarding bending tolerances, minimum radiuses, material choices and more.